My name's frog_0, and this is my homepage.
I use this site as a way to get long-winded thoughts out of my head. I hope you find some of them interesting, or at the very least entertaining.
Most Recent Textdump:

If you like this page, you can find buttons here!
I'll probably make new buttons every once in a while, so check back occasionally.
I wrote a post about a weird game I've been playing lately. Merry Christmas!
Wanted to keep a beef bowl recipe I modified archived in a digital format, so now there's a recipes page.
Added a link to a commission form, in case any of you like my art enough to want to pay me.
New post. This one came about after I thought about why I started liking a game later than most people seemed to.
Working on a new post, decided that old font was a massive pain to read, so now I'm using Iosevka.
I've been trying to learn Pixel Composer and I also need money, so now there's a Tip Jar button on the front page.
Whoops I forgot to actually finish this when I had it written four months ago
Bit of cleanup for the new year. Working on something bigger.
New page. Really, really dumb thing, but new page.
Tiny update. New link in the links page, added something INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT to the TWEWY article.
Spur of the moment article I wrote. If you read nothing else on the site, please read this one.
Tiny update today; new button in the links section. Made the button myself, did not make what it links to.
It's been even longer this time. Whoops. New article/rant/whatever the hell in the section with the others. Please read it and then buy the game I talk about.
Been a bit-- things have been a bit wack for me to write a full on article, but for those of you who like the art on this page, you can now click the Art link to the left to see my Newgrounds page. I'll try to post there more when I can. I've also added another link to the Links section, so check that out.
Buttons! made a new button-- the old one will still work if you've already hotlinked it on your site, think of it like a collectible. (I'll make a page for all the ones I make later.) Also added a page to the links section.
Added another thing on the games section! This one's about poor choices I've made recently regarding my phone.
Added an article!
Website's up! No art page or articles yet, that'll come later, promise.